The Act of Giving

The manner of giving is worth more than the gift
~ Pierre Corneille.
Simply put, there is nothing given for free, that might sound as a shock but the real understanding beneath, is that, there is always at least a blessing attached to anyone who gives, even if it's for free, and by blessing, I mean, a favor or gift bestowed by God, at first it is returned immediately as an emotion, which can be happiness, gladness, peace, love etc. All these values, the creator has made to operate by default as blessings for anyone who gives.

The act of giving always bring two values;
1. An intangible value
2. A tangible value - which will later come in 100 fold return of the substance.

An intangible value is the first obvious fact after giving since because its emotion based but the latter is based on the principle of sowing - Sow a seed and reap a hundred fold of that seed.

The attribute of a giver, in an ideal situation is not to have the intention of receiving tangible values either from the receiver or from someone else but to consider how indeed giving can add an intangible value to his/her own life. It is quite amazing that there is already a misconception concerning giving and expecting something back in return, most people in such category believe a farmer who sows without expecting a return is out on a wild goose chase. 
Nevertheless, while the literal meaning hold water but on the issue of giving, it is incomplete until an intangible value is been witnessed by the giver.

Believe it or not, the universe will always conspire to add value back to the giver, its left to the giver to realize how he/she ought to go about the value being set by the universe.

However, one thing is true, for a 100 fold return of such substance, the intangible value generated must indeed produce at least one of the aforementioned blessings and that’s exactly what the bible meant by; "It’s more blessed to give than to receive"

In simple words, when you give something for free, you are already receiving something back. The emotions or feeling backed behind giving has a far reaching effect in the life of the receiver who is in dire need of that substance and that’s a proof of love.

Our happiness lies in the happiness of other people. Give them their happiness; you will get your own happiness. And this is the purpose of human life – the act of giving.

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